"Tomatoes and Oregano make it Italian; Wine and Tarragon make it French. Sour Cream makes it Russian;
Lemon and Cinnamon make it Greek; Soy Sauce makes it Chinese; Garlic makes it good. "

~Alice May Brock~

Welcome to our Global Recipe Index.

Each member of the Recipe Committee choosed a specific country/region/style
to work on and created their own very special and exclusive pages. 

They will be always updated, so please look them over.
Maybe you will find something different to try. 
Why not? 
Just help yourselves !!!

Also,  if you would be so kind as to stop by our guestbook and leave your comments.
The members of the committee would love to hear from you !!

Thank you and enjoy !

American Kitchen Barbiel's Brazilian Recipes Kitchen from Bangladesh Cooking Turkish
Country Cooking Diabetic Recipes Every Day Kitchen French Kitchen
German Corner Grandma's Kitchen Recipes from India International Cuisine
Italian Kitchen Jo's Kozy Kitchen Pennsylvania Dutch Polish Recipes
Recipes From The Heart Small World (Recipes for Children)

Bangladeshi, Cooking Turkish, Country Cooking, French, Grandma's Kitchen, Indian, International, Kozy Kitchen, Pennsylvania Dutch, Polish and
Recipes from the Heart
are sites from ex-members and are displayed and linked here with permission from their owners.

To submit your favorite recipes to be included in the Garden of Friendship Recipe Book, please email them to Barbiel

Background graphics made especially for the Recipes Committee of the Garden of Friendship by Valatine